Legal Warning | InnerCamp
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InnerCamp Legal Warning

General information

The page is a domain on the Internet, which contains a portal or Web page, is owned by INNERCAMP OÜ with ID EE102445796 with registered office at Tööstuse 75-71, Tallinn, 10416, Estonia and general email address [email protected].

The website of INNERCAMP OÜ aims to provide the user and client with information regarding the activities and services of the company.

With this website, INNERCAMP OÜ aims to provide a useful service, so user suggestions are welcome. But if you do not agree with any of the conditions contained in this notice, you must stop using the website of INNERCAMP OÜ. Access to it implies acceptance of them without reservation. The use of certain services offered in this. The site will also be governed by the particular conditions provided in each case, which will be understood to be accepted by the mere use of such services.

Conditions of use of the portal

The conditions set out below regulate the permitted use of the website
1. Access. There are certain parts of the Web page whose access is reserved for clients, by means of a user identifier and a password. Unauthorized users. To do this, they can visit the public sections of the portal, never trying to access the restricted access sections, unless they have been authorized by assigning a user identifier and a password.
2. Modifications of the page and interruptions or errors in the access INNERCAMP OÜ reserves the right to make, at any time and without the need for prior notice, modifications, and updates of the information contained in the Web page, of its configuration and presentation and of the access conditions.

INNERCAMP OÜ is not responsible for failures that occur in communications, not guaranteeing the availability and continuity of the operation of the portal and the services, therefore INNERCAMP OÜ does not guarantee the non-existence of interruptions or errors in accessing the website or its content INNERCAMP OÜ will carry out, as long as there are no causes that make it impossible or difficult to execute, and as soon as it has news of the errors, disconnections or lack of updating in the contents, all those tasks tending to correct errors, reestablish communication and update the contents

3. Intellectual property. Unless expressly indicated, the content of the website, images, texts, and data, are the property of INNERCAMP OÜ. It is also owned by INNERCAMP OÜ, and its source code, design, and navigation structure. Corresponds to INNERCAMP OÜ, the exclusive exercise of the rights to exploit them in any form, and especially the rights of reproduction, distribution, public communication, and transformation. All this material is protected by intellectual property legislation and its misuse may be subject to sanctions, including criminal ones.

Consulting or downloading the contents of the page or of any software will not imply the transfer of any intellectual or industrial property rights over them.

Consulting or downloading the contents of the page or of any software will not imply the transfer of any intellectual or industrial property rights over them.

Viewing is authorized, printing and partial downloading of the content of the website only and exclusively if the following conditions are met:
– That it is compatible with the purposes of the website.
– That it is not done for commercial purposes or for distribution, public communication, or transformation.
– That none of the contents of the website be modified.
– That no graphic, icon, or image available on the Web be used, copied, or distributed separately from the text or the rest of accompanying images.
– Let the source be cited.

All information received on these pages, such as comments, suggestions, or ideas, will be considered to be given free of charge. Do not send information that cannot be processed by this shape.

4. Security. INNERCAMP OÜ is aware of the risks derived from facing the new challenges posed by extending its services over the Internet, it has put in place demanding security measures to reduce such risks.

However, INNERCAMP OÜ cannot guarantee the absolute invulnerability of its security systems, so it excludes any type of liability for damages of any kind that may be due to the presence of viruses or other elements that may cause alterations in the computer system (software and hardware), electronic documents and files of the user or any third party, including those that are produced in the services provided by third parties through this portal.

Users are informed that the use of electronic data transmission systems and email does not offer absolute guarantees of safety. The user of INNERCAMP OÜ mutually exempts each other from any liability arising from events such as non-receipt or delay, error or interception of communications.

5. Contents and linked pages. The information contained in this website is for informational purposes only; and, in no case, does it constitute any type of contractual obligation.

The function of the links, or links, that appear on this page is exclusively to inform the user about the existence of other sources of information on the matter on the Internet, where they can expand or complete the information offered on this page. INNERCAMP OÜ will not be responsible for the result obtained through said links.

In any case, INNERCAMP OÜ does not assume any responsibility derived from the contents linked from its website, nor does it guarantee the absence of viruses or other elements in them that may cause alterations in the computer system (hardware and software), in the documents or files of the user, excluding any responsibility for damages of any kind caused to the user for this reason.

Although the links are regularly monitored so that they do not happen, in the event that any user or a third party considers that the content or services provided by the linked pages are illegal, violate constitutional values or principles, or damage the property or rights of the user himself or a third party, please immediately notify INNERCAMP OÜ via email to [email protected], especially if the links consist of:

Activities or content that may be considered criminal under European criminal law.

Activities or contents that violate intellectual or industrial property rights.

Activities or contents that endanger public order, criminal investigation, public security, and national defense.

Activities or contents that endanger the protection of public health, respect for the dignity of the person, the principle of non-discrimination, the protection of health and childhood, or any other constitutional value or principle.

6. Protection of personal data. The personal data linked to this website respect the requirements of current legislation on the protection of personal data.

INNERCAMP OÜ will treat the personal data collected through this web complying with current regulations on data protection.

  • the inclusion in files is absolutely voluntary and is duly announced;
  • The files to which personal data are incorporated are protected by the security measures required by law.
  • The data will only be used for the purpose for which it was collected.
  • All the people who join the created file may exercise the rights of access, rectification, deletion, and portability of their data, and the limitation or opposition to its treatment, to withdraw the consent given.
  • INNERCAMP OÜ is responsible for the data treatment. The user may exercise the rights of access, rectification, opposition, and cancellation.

7. Third-party link to the Web Any third-party link to the Web must be to its home page, leaving “Deep links”, “framing” and any other use of the contents of the Web in favor of unauthorized third parties are expressly prohibited.

8. Responsibilities: INNERCAMP OÜ will not be, in any case, responsible, for damages of any kind derived, directly or indirectly, from the failure to read this notice, or from the breach of the obligations specified in the conditions established therein. Likewise, in accordance with the provisions of these conditions, INNERCAMP OÜ excludes any liability for damages of any kind that may be due to the transmission, dissemination, storage, placing available, reception, obtaining, or access to the website or its contents.

INNERCAMP OÜ is not responsible for the improper use of the portal and its contents and services, nor can it guarantee, even if it is your encouragement, the certainty of its contents. Likewise, it does not guarantee the veracity of the advertising content of any advertised good, product, or service.

The user will be liable for the damages caused by a negligent attitude of his could cause this portal.

9. Legal actions, applicable legislation, and jurisdiction This contract replaces any previous contract for the same services between the CLIENT and the PROVIDER. Any relative litigation, especially, but not limited, to the formation, validity, interpretation, signature, provision, execution, or termination of this contract and, in general, to the relationship established between the Parties, will be subject to Estonian law and the courts of Estonia.

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